We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have a question, feedback, or a prayer request, we’re here to make your experience exceptional.

Holiday Inn & Suites
Conference room
610 Genoa Way
Castle Rock, CO 80109

 (720) 328-2080

get in touch with us


Stories Of Healing By Design

Hear from others about how Healing By Design’s classes have impacted their lives.


A friend invited me to come hear Jim’s teaching at Healing by Design a few months ago, which has truly been an answer to my prayer to experience more of the reality of Christ in me by revelation from the Holy Spirit. The teaching of truth from God’s word has given me greater confidence of faith to pray for and with friends who seek healing and who desire a greater awareness of Christ in them. I was prayed over a few weeks ago and experienced the Holy Spirit move through me, bringing healing to one eye with an irregularity behind my retina which had blurred my vision. I am so thankful to the Lord for Jim and Erin and their passion to see believers grow in consistent experiences of God’s presence and become full of expectation that He is determined to “show up” on our behalf! ~M.S

P.O. Box 729
Castle Rock, CO 80104

(720) 328-2080